I) Mid-Market M&A Advisory Services

Many mid-sized businesses in India are now open to strategic partnership, joint ventures, acquisition and divestment in order to gain market share, product diversification, forward and backward integration etc. However, M&A poses many challenges and requires strategic inputs on an ongoing basis.

Our service includes:

  1. 1. Distressed Mergers and Acquisition
  2. 2. Acquisition in NCLT
  3. 3. Exit Strategy
  4. 4. Strategic Alliance

Novem acts as a in house advisor and extended arm of the management and provides necessary guidance and transaction support throughout the process of mergers and acquisitions. Novem through its network also brings other support services required for successful consummation of the transaction.

Transaction under execution ~Rs. 3.7 bn

II) SME Advisory

SME is the new backbone of the county and is playing a major role in economic growth, creating entrepreneurs, job creation etc. However, they also face bottlenecks of right advice and good industry practices.

We believe that a strong hand holding and active concerted action on capacity building, systems and processes will help SMEs to achieve next level of growth, attract & retain talent, raising timely and competitive funds , expand markets reach and getting better returns.

III) Credit Rating Advisory

The Credit Rating reflects the credit worthiness of the borrower. Credit rating also helps to reduce informative asymmetry between lenders and investors, on one side, and issuers on the other side, about the credit worthiness of companies.

Good credit ratings allow borrowers to easily borrow money from financial institutions or public debt markets and on better terms.